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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Corporate Statement

OMRON’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Corporate Statement OMRON Healthcare update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Hoofddorp, 2nd April 2020 – OMRON Healthcare is responding to the ongoing global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in accordance with our mission to improve lives and contribute to a better society. We strive to ensure continued supply and distribution of our healthcare devices and …

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OMRON’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Corporate Statement

OMRON Healthcare update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Hoofddorp, 2nd April 2020 – OMRON Healthcare is responding to the ongoing global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in accordance with our mission to improve lives and contribute to a better society.

We strive to ensure continued supply and distribution of our healthcare devices and to protect the safety and wellbeing of all our employees around the world. After initial reports of the Coronavirus outbreak the OMRON Healthcare Group has constituted a global task force to address, monitor and mitigate the impact.

Since the Coronavirus outbreak reached the pandemic status, the entire global supply chain has been impacted, leading the disruption in logistic capabilities and production capacity. We monitor the situation carefully and implement measures to safeguard the supply of our products and maintain quality standards.

We are seeing a shift in demand for our consumer product portfolio in the most affected regions with an increase for our respiratory and thermometer device categories. To fulfil the needs of our customers and health care providers, we are working vigilantly with our partners across the world to ensure product availability.

To help protect the health and wellbeing of all our employees, and contribute to limiting the spread of the virus, we have promptly implemented temporary measures to help reduce the risk of infection. Guidance for working-from-home, as well as restricting business travel, off-site meetings and external visitors were implemented in the early stages of the outbreak. Our guidance is aligned with local government authorities.

Leveraging our technological expertise in respiratory disease treatment, we are mobilizing our R&D teams to rapidly deliver solutions and provide guidance to health care providers. Answering to the needs created by Coronavirus pandemic we are accelerating the development of Remote Patient Monitoring programs for hypertension aiming to relief the strain on healthcare providers globally.

As a company tied closely to the health and wellness of those we serve, our thoughts are with our consumers and our dedication and resolve continues toward our Going for Zero mission to save lives.

Isao Ogino
President and CEO
OMRON Healthcare Co.,Ltd.

Cardiovascular Health and COVID-19 risk

OMRON Healthcare recommends people who measure their blood pressure at home to continue monitoring themselves in the usual way as was recommended by their doctors. The current situation with the COVID-19 virus does not provide a medical need in changing the usual monitoring behavior. Regarding the usage of your blood pressure monitor we recommend respecting all the hygienic advices as indicated by the national authorities and preferably not to share your personal blood pressure monitors with others except for family members who share the same household.

  • Research shows that viruses, including the seasonal flu, may be more severe for those with hypertension and can increase the risk of health complications.

  • If you have high blood pressure, it is important to work with your physician to manage your condition. Take steps to adopt healthy habits like regularly monitoring your blood pressure, eating a healthy diet and regularly exercising.

  • If you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or develop symptoms like fever, chest pain or trouble breathing, please contact your physician.

Sharing Data with Physicians

  • Many people might be apprehensive about taking themselves or loved ones to a healthcare provider’s office with concerns about exposure to the COVID-19 virus. OMRON connected blood pressure monitors allow users to share blood pressure readings with their physicians remotely.

  • Sharing this data can help you and your physician understand if your blood pressure treatment plan is effective. However, if you feel unwell, please contact your physician.

  • If you own an OMRON connected blood pressure monitor, you have access to the OMRON Connect mobile app, which allow users to store, track and share their heart health data with their physician.

  • Pairing your device is easy. Simply download the OMRON Connect and follow the on-screen instructions to sync your device.


Please contact the distributor in your country for more information and support.


March 19th, 2020 – Statement of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) on hypertension:

Currently there is no clear evidence that hypertension per se is associated with an increased risk of infection by COVID-19. Therefore, patients with hypertension should apply the same precautions as subjects of the same age category and with the same profile of comorbidities. https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/novel-coronavirus-china

In stable patients with COVID-19 infections or at risk for COVID-19 infections, treatment with ACEIs and ARBs should be executed according to the recommendations in the 2018 ESC/ESH guidelines.1 Further research analyzing the continuously increasing data on the impact of hypertension and blood pressure lowering drugs, particularly RAS blockers, on the clinical course of COVID-19 infections is warranted.

A note of caution!
This statement reflects current (12 March 2020) evidence at time of release and may need updating according to novel evidence. The ESH updates their information if needed, which can be found at the following link: https://www.eshonline.org/spotlights/esh-statement-on-covid-19/


1. Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak A, Kahan T, Mahfoud F, Redon J, Ruilope L, Zanchetti A, Kerins M, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Lip GYH, McManus R, Narkiewicz K, Ruschitzka F, Schmieder RE, Shlyakhto E, Tsioufis C, Aboyans V and Desormais I. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension. Journal of hypertension. 2018;36:1953-2041.

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